Tuesday, December 27, 2011

create a bootable USB key for Norton Ghost faq602-6675

1)  Format your USB Key with FAT32 (your Ghost.exe wont run on NTFS)

2)  Format a floppy disk in Windows XP with the "Create MS-DOS startup disk" switch

3)  Download usb_format (do a Google search for it.) Once you got it, run it, select Create a DOS Bootable disk (using "DOS system files located at" your floppy drive)

4)  Once your key has been formated, go back to the floppy drive and copy the entire floppy disk to your USB key.

5) Copy your ghost.exe to the USB key.

Now you can boot to the USB key, it will come up as a C: drive when you boot but your hard drive will be accessible once you start Ghost.

Assuming your Ghost image is bigger than your USB key you can boot your key to a network share and put the image files there. To create the USB drive bootable to a network share for Ghost continue with the following instructions:

6)Download Networkboot Disk from http://www.netbootdisk.com

7) Unzip the file and edit your MakeDisk.bat by right clicking on it and select Edit. Change the A in the line " drv=A:" to your USB drive letter. For instance, my USB key is drive letter F so the line should like "drv=F:"

8) Double click the MakeDisk.bat and follow the instructions.

9) Now you are ready to boot to a network share from the USB key. When you boot to the key you will get to a point where you enter your network information, enter an Admin network login, password and the NetBios name for your network or enter in the workgroup then in the login script area type: net use g: \\pcsharename\sharefolder (you'll need a copy of ghost.exe in this shared directory.)

10)Press escape to continue the boot

11) When it gets to your prompt type G: and hit enter, this will take you to your network share and you can start ghost your normal way, just type ghost.exe.

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